Tuesday 8 January 2013

Goodbye 2012 and hello 2013! A wrap up of 2012

Wow, I can’t quite believe that I am at the beginning of yet another year, looking back over my shoulder at 2012, which was one of the happiest, challenging and interesting years so far! I made some amazing friends, met some wonderful people and went to some stunning places.

January saw me confirming and planning my holiday in Tuscany for late June

February gave us some snow, and evenings having playfights in playgrounds

March started painfully with a broken coccyx, cue 6 weeks of no moving

April I was guestlist again to see my beloved Ryan Adams at the Palladium

May I changed my holiday plans and added a 3 night stay in Rome to my week in Tuscany

June was spent counting the days until I flew to Tuscany on 23rd for an amazing holiday

July I turned 29, and was treated to a night in a 5* hotel by my best friend Naomi

August my Mum turned 60, and the whole family celebrated together at hers for Afternoon Tea!

September I started my Italian language course

October I was rushed to hospital with appendicitis, had an operation!

November I had some of my writing published, something I could tick off my bucket list

December I spent Christmas with my family and my New Year in Rome

As for 2013, there are a lot of things I want to achieve. A psychic told me (cue spooky music) many years ago that 2013 would be the biggest year of my life and I hope they are right. There are many reasons people give for wanting to change their lives…whether those reasons are justified or not, is not for anyone else to decide. When I look at what I want to achieve this year, I find that people’s opinions fall into two categories…the ‘do it, life’s too short-ers’ and the ‘have you thought this all through-ers?’. Luckily, the vast majority of people who matter  to me are in the first group.

I found myself thinking a lot of about my plans for 2013…it’s a big year for me; I turn 30 and that brings with it its own issues…its a real turning point in life (and 10 years in your twenties is too many!) and time to start making plans about the future. I don’t want to rush anything, but I feel that now is the time to start making plans and laying down the path to a new life.

It was 2005 when I first visited Italy and I fell instantly in love. It was returning from that trip that I vowed to one day make Italy my home. This year, I hope to make that dream a reality. It will take a lot of sleepless nights and a lot of day-dreaming thinky time, but I know that it’s where I want to be and I hope, where I shall be living by Christmas 2013. I’m in a very fortunate position and have the backing to make this move…now, it’s just a case of getting the wheels in motion.

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