Sunday 24 March 2013

Wish I was there?

I'm almost terrified at the thought that it's only 3 weeks tomorrow until I leave the UK and start the drive to my new life in Rome. 

When I started this venture, I expected a lot more 'what the f&*k am I doing?' moments than I have had so far, but I have noticed a few mini versions of those moments creeping in over the last week or so and even one moment where I seemed to regret ALL the decisions I had made in the last few months and wanted to scrap the whole idea all together. I expected this, so I dealt with it as I had expected to...(added wine!)

I'm sure that anyone who has been three weeks away from leaving their home country to set up a new life elsewhere has been through the same moments I have, and will, over the coming weeks. But its strange the things I will miss about being here. Like the fact MY house key will no longer be on my keyring. If I come back to the UK for visits, that is what it will be for, just a visit, not to come home. In a funny way, I'll miss the weather. Yesterday, my cousin's wedding took place in the snow, in March...a WEEK away from the start of British Summertime....that's not normal, but, I'm English; if I'm at a wedding and not discussing the weather, something is wrong!

Next week I finish work after 5 years at my company and 8 years of full-time working since leaving University. I have two weeks to pack up my life, and prepare to say goodbye. I'm anticipating emotional moments; there will be tears and moments when I just need a hug on the sofa. It's very easy for people to sit and think that my life will now be all vino, pasta and sunshine, but the reality of it is somewhere different - yes, I don't doubt that my quality of life will improve tenfold, but I am also giving up every familiarity, routine and comfort I have been used to for the last 29 years. That is going to be rough on anyone! 

Luckily, I have a phenomenal support network. Here in the UK I have a great family who will support me through the rough moments and some great friends I can turn to when I need a little light relief! In Rome, I have great friends who will no doubt make me feel so welcome and a wonderful boyfriend, who's actually helping me make the move from the UK to Rome. 

I expect the next few weeks to bring a whole pick'n'mix of emotions...but it's certainly going to be interesting! 

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